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Aquatic Show
Aquarium hobbyists come from as far away as Canada to display dozens of different varieties of their favorite fish.
Hundreds of fish are entered in dozens of categories in our annual fish show. The Keystone Clash 2025 fish show promises to have many amazing fish to see. You're bound to see spectacular fish you've never seen before. The winners are immortalized in the Hall of Fame. Any hobbyist can enter their fish in our competition.
*Number of Entries Updated 9/17 with final count
Are you a hobbyist? You can show your fish off too!
Hall of Fame
2025 Fish Show Classes
Loading Table (0/53)
Class | Sponsor |
Class 01 - Angelfish | |
Class 02 - Discus | |
Class 03 - New World Dwarf Cichlids | |
Class 04 - South American Cichlids (6 Inches and Under) | |
Class 05 - South American Cichlids (Over 6 Inches) | |
Class 06 - Central American Cichlids (6 Inches and under) | |
Class 07 - Central American Cichlids (Over 6 Inches) | |
Class 08 - Hybrid Cichlids | |
Class 09 -Haplochromines (Victorian Basin) | |
Class 10 - Haplochromines (Malawi) | |
Class 11 -Peacock Cichlids | |
Class 12 - All Mbuna | |
Class 13 - Tanganyikan Cichlids | |
Class 14 - All Other Old World Cichlids (Mouthbrooders) | |
Class 15 - All Other Old World Cichlids (Substrate Spawners) | |
Class 16 - New World Killifish | |
Class 17 - Aphyosemion | |
Class 18 - Fundulopanchax/Callopanchax | |
Class 19 - Annual Killifish | |
Class 20 - All Other Killifish | |
Class 21 - Male Guppies | |
Class 22 - Goodeids | |
Class 23 - Xiphophorus sp. (Domestic) | |
Class 24 - Xiphophorus sp. (Wild Type) | |
Class 25 - Mollies (Domestic and Wild Type) | |
Class 26 - All Other Livebearing Fish | |
Class 27 - Corydoras & Related Species | |
Class 28 - Suckermouth Catfish | |
Class 29 - Loaches | |
Class 30 - All Other Catfish & Bottom Dwellers | |
Class 31 - Rainbowfish | |
Class 32 - Male Betta Splendens | |
Class 33 - All Other Betta Species | |
Class 34 - Gouramis | |
Class 35 - All Other Anabantoids | |
Class 36 - Characins | |
Class 37 - Barbs | |
Class 38 - Minnows, Danios, Rasboras | |
Class 39 - Dorsal Type Goldfish (Ryukin, Oranda, Pearlscale, Etc.) | |
Class 40 - Dorsal Less Type Goldfish (Lionhead, Ranchu, Etc.) | |
Class 41 - Eye Type Goldfish (Moors, Bubble Eyes, Celestials, Etc.) | |
Class 42 - All Other Freshwater Fish | |
Class 43 - Snails | |
Class 44 - Neocaridina Shrimp | |
Class 45 - Caridina Shrimp, non-hybrid (Crystal, Tawain or Tiger) | |
Class 46 - Caridina Shrimp, hybrid (Pinto, Boa, Fishbone or Snowflake) | |
Class 47 - All Other Shrimp (Sulawesi, Amano, Bamboo, Grass, etc.) | |
Class 48 - All other Aquatic Animals | |
Class 49 - Aquatic Plants | |
Class 50 - All Saltwater | |
Class 51 - Arts & Crafts (Aquatic Related), 2 Dimensional | |
Class 52 - Arts & Crafts (Aquatic Related), 3 Dimensional | |
Class 53 - Photography (Aquatic Subject) |
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